Red Oak – Polar

» Produit » Red Oak – Polar
Similar shades
Floor White Oak - Fortino
Also available in the Domestic collection

Wickham Hardwood

Solid hardwood



Polar red oak is a wood species of unbeatable beauty. By choosing polar red oak for your flooring, you are choosing the splendour and warmth of natural wood, as well as durability. This type of flooring will add a touch of prestige and give your home a modern look.
Features Cost estimate
Essence Red Oak
Grade Select & Better, Natural, Cottage, Canadian Plus, Builder
Category Classic, Modern
Application areas Condominium, Ground floor and floors
Colors Light
Chandeliers Gloss Finish, Matte finish, Satin finish, Semi-Gloss Finish
Épaisseurs 3/4 po (19 mm)
Associate suppliers Wickham Hardwood
Collections Domestic
Engineered - Elite



Features Cost estimate
Essence Red Oak
Grade Select & Better
Category Classic, Modern
Application areas Ground floor and floors, Condominium, Basement
Colors Light
Chandeliers Gloss Finish, Matte finish, Satin finish, Semi-Gloss Finish
Épaisseurs ~1/2 po (13 mm)
Associate suppliers Wickham Hardwood
Collections Domestic
Engineered - Elite Plus



Features Cost estimate
Essence Red Oak
Grade Select & Better
Category Classic, Modern
Application areas Ground floor and floors, Condominium, Basement
Colors Light
Chandeliers Gloss Finish, Matte finish, Satin finish, Semi-Gloss Finish
Épaisseurs 3/4 po (19 mm)
Associate suppliers Wickham Hardwood
Collections Domestic