Maple – Merlot

» Produit » Maple – Merlot
Similar shades
Also available in the Winery collection

Wickham Hardwood

Solid hardwood



With an oiled matte finish and a smooth texture with a closed grain, Merlot red oak hardwood flooring has a very dark and warm brown colour. This gives a warm atmosphere to your home, while bringing beauty and elegance.
Features Cost estimate
Essence Maple
Grade Cottage, Canadian Plus
Category Classic, Modern, Oiled
Application areas Ground floor and floors, Condominium
Colors Dark, Medium
Chandeliers Matte oiled finish
Épaisseurs 3/4 po (19 mm)
Associate suppliers Wickham Hardwood
Collections Winery
Engineered - Elite



Features Cost estimate
Essence Maple
Grade Select & Better
Category Classic, Modern, Oiled
Application areas Condominium, Basement, Ground floor and floors
Colors Dark, Medium
Chandeliers Matte oiled finish
Épaisseurs ~1/2 po (13 mm)
Associate suppliers Wickham Hardwood
Collections Winery
Engineered - Elite Plus



Features Cost estimate
Essence Maple
Grade Select & Better
Category Classic, Modern, Oiled
Application areas Ground floor and floors, Condominium, Basement
Colors Dark, Medium
Chandeliers Matte oiled finish
Épaisseurs 3/4 po (19 mm)
Associate suppliers Wickham Hardwood
Collections Winery