Ash – Polar

» Produit » Ash – Polar
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Plancher Noyer noir - Naked Walnut
Also available in the Domestic collection

Wickham Hardwood

Solid hardwood



The Polar ash wood floor is crystal white. This type of wood flooring will illuminate dull rooms by creating a feeling of space and freshness. The result: a magnificent floor in a classic and refined style. This floor covering is therefore a stylish and distinctive design!
Features Cost estimate
Essence Ash
Grade Cottage, Canadian Plus, Builder
Category Classic, Modern
Application areas Ground floor and floors, Condominium
Colors Light
Chandeliers Gloss Finish, Matte finish, Satin finish, Semi-Gloss Finish
Épaisseurs 3/4 po (19 mm)
Associate suppliers Wickham Hardwood
Collections Domestic